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16-02-2024, 15:47
Interview of the General Director of the Company V.E. Mikhailov on the Energy and Industry portal

Mikhailov E. Vladimir acted as the expert of the month of the EPR website by answering the questions of the readers of the resource.

Interview of the General Director of the Company V.E. Mikhailov on the Energy and Industry portal


Good afternoon! I am interested in the issue of standardization of boiler equipment, interchangeability of applications on boiler units and equipment. Interaction with the FAS in this regard, restriction of competition???

Maria Reshetova


Good afternoon, Maria!

Boiler equipment (boiler units and auxiliary equipment) are technical devices operated at hazardous production facilities (OPO) and they are manufactured strictly in accordance with GOST standards for the corresponding category of equipment.

Unification is another matter. It is possible to unify boiler equipment, but, unfortunately, the variety of technological tasks solved in the interests of the Customer does not always allow to unify the manufactured equipment.

Some auxiliary units and assemblies are being unified (pumps, burners, fittings, instrumentation, etc.). Work in this direction is ongoing.


Hello, Vladimir Evgenievich, the National Research University "MEI" in cooperation with industry institutes has developed a comprehensive scientific and technical program "High-capacity energy of the new generation". Tell me, does the NGO of the I.I. Polzunov CKTI participate in the CSTP? And if so, with which projects?

Elizaveta Nekrasova.



Hello, Elizabeth!

JSC NPO CKTI takes an active part in the comprehensive scientific and technical program "High-capacity Power Engineering of the new Generation" (KNTP) and plans to participate in the implementation of most of the collective projects of this program: "Thermal power plants on a carbon dioxide working body", "New generation thermal power plants", "High-power GTU", "Heat recovery power complexes", "High-power hydraulic machines", "Thermal power plants on steam", etc. To date, by order of JSC "Power Machines", some work is underway in the direction of "high-power GTU". Our association has the appropriate scientific potential, the necessary modern bench base to fulfill the tasks set in the CSTP.


Hello! What do you think about the development of hydrogen technologies in the field of energy in Russia? How promising is this direction? Including the organization of export-oriented hydrogen production in Russia?

Milana Medvedeva



Hello, Milana!

Hydrogen energy in Russia is undoubtedly promising and will be introduced. Our President is quite right to say that the real transition to hydrogen energy in the Russian Federation is the 2050s and 2060s, when we will learn how to get cheap hydrogen.

As for export-oriented hydrogen production in Russia, in my opinion, this is also a promising direction, given Russia's natural gas reserves and Russia's energy capabilities.

It should be noted here that it is promising to produce hydrogen without creating a carbon footprint by electrolyzing water using electricity generated from renewable energy sources ("green hydrogen"). For example, excess electricity generated at a nuclear power plant during low power consumption hours (nighttime "dips" of the load). Such hydrogen can be used at Russian and foreign enterprises of the chemical industry, transport and energy (energy GTU).


Hello, Vladimir Evgenievich. How relevant do you think the topic of energy transition in Russia is today? What will it look like in the coming years? In particular, in terms of generation development, the role of hydroelectric power plants and nuclear power plants is being increasingly discussed - how much role can they be given in development?

Pavel Dorofeev



Hello, Pavel!

The modern energy transition is caused not only by the problems of climate warming and restrictions on harmful emissions. The geopolitical situation is changing, which will also affect the energy sector.

The development of the energy market, whether it is traditional sources, nuclear or green energy, in any country will rely on its own strength. As a result, the cost of energy will become more expensive. Direct government subsidies for the development of renewable energy sources (wind and solar energy) will become less profitable. In addition, there are significant climatic restrictions on these types of energy production development.

Currently, the Russian domestic energy balance is: 20% nuclear generation, 20% hydrogenation, 1% renewable energy (wind and solar). The total share of "clean" energy is quite high. The rest is in the balance of gas and coal.ь.

Such a factor as the threat of global warming in the scientific world is still the subject of serious discussions.

In the context of sanctions restrictions, national regulation and international cooperation, the prospects for green energy will depend on the development of technology and the establishment of a multipolar world.

Although fossil mineral energy resources are eventually exhausted, abandoning them is currently unrealistic. For Russia, a northern continental country, renewable energy resources are limited. Therefore, for us, one of the real solutions, in my opinion, is to rely on nuclear energy. Entering a closed nuclear cycle is in some ways a renewable energy source.


Good afternoon, Vladimir Evgenievich. Do you employ university graduates? And if so, which specialists?

Semyon Osipov



Good afternoon, Semyon!

We employ graduates from all technical higher education institutions in the following specialties:

  • materials science and technology of materials,
  • applied mechanics,
  • heat engineering and thermal power engineering,
  • electrical engineering and electric power industry,
  • energy engineering,
  • nuclear power and thermophysics,
  • etc .

Over the past three years, NPO CKTI has employed 11 young specialists, graduates of various technical universities in St. Petersburg, including from VOENMEKh, Polytechnic, MTU (State Maritime Technical University) by profession:

  • Materials science and technology of materials;
  • Energy engineering;
  • Thermal power engineering and heat engineering, etc.

We also invite students to practice.

Currently, there are a number of long-term agreements on the practical training of students of technical universities of St. Petersburg in the above-mentioned specialties.

Every year, more than a dozen students undergo practical training at the CKTI. So in 2023, 18 people completed their internship.

We will always be happy to hire specialists. There is an opportunity to study for free at our graduate school and defend a dissertation at our dissertation council.


There is a lot of talk about import substitution in the fuel and energy sector today. How realistic is the 100% localization of the production of energy GTU in today's situation and how long can it take?

Dmitry Grigoriev



Dmitry, thanks for the question!

This issue is complex, since it is associated with the need to manufacture all the basic, auxiliary equipment and components included in the "full cycle" of production

It is necessary to resolve issues related to the creation of new production facilities, re-equipment and modernization of existing ones, and the development of new technological processes for manufacturing GTU equipment elements. For new powerful gas turbines of 65 MW and 170 MW, the use of domestic steels and alloys should be envisaged.

When designing and upgrading GTU equipment elements, their computational and experimental verification and testing in bench conditions are necessary. The production of turbine blades, as well as combustion chamber elements, etc. is particularly difficult.

To successfully solve the tasks set, time is needed for the development, manufacture, bench testing of new elements, pilot operation of turbines and only then access to mass production of GTU. Insufficient attention to any of the stages can lead to very serious consequences.

Therefore, 100% localization of the production of energy GTU can take several years.


Vladimir Evgenievich, does the NGO CKTI cooperate with Belarusian colleagues? Please share which areas in this area you plan to develop? Why are Belarusian enterprises interesting to us and why are we interesting to them? How organically is the generational change of energy technologies taking place in the world and in Russia?

Elizaveta Pankova



Hello, Elizabeth!

Of course, the NPO CKTI has extensive positive experience of cooperation with various Belarusian companies: Belarusian NPP, Luninetskaya CHP, RUE Brestenergo, CJSC Belsystemtechnologies, etc. In October 2023, a business meeting was held between the management of the CKTI and representatives of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee for promising cooperation with the Grodno Azot enterprise.

CKTI plans to further develop joint work with Belarusian colleagues in all areas of its competence. Given the long-standing business ties, established references and mutual interest of the parties, we are certainly open to positive and promising cooperation with the fraternal state.

Clearly, the mutual interest of Russian and Belarusian enterprises lies in a similar, similar technical base at energy facilities, and the availability of unique experience in the design, maintenance and repair technologies of energy facilities at the NPO CKTI. It is also necessary to note the low level of bureaucratic barriers within the framework of the specifics of the interaction of the Union states.

In our developments, we also use the best samples of Belarusian equipment, for example, we widely use excellent gas fittings in the implementation of gas supply systems for energy facilities. All this will significantly reduce dependence on the supply of expensive foreign equipment.

Of course, the current global situation leaves its mark on the generational change of technologies in the energy sector. But the development of the industry does not stand still, the scientific and technical component of production and work processes is more relevant than ever. New young motivated personnel are coming to the industry. There is a transfer of experience from older generations of specialists to new ones.

Of course, the picture of today's global situation, unfortunately, does not encourage the exchange of experience with colleagues from abroad, but the need for dynamic development of the industry in terms of import substitution, maintaining the working condition of existing equipment and developing new effective technical solutions has been clearly identified.


Hello, Vladimir Evgenievich. Energy and, in particular, thermal power engineering are quite conservative industries. Is it difficult to bring innovative products to this market? What difficulties do you have to face in this case.

Mikhail Vlasov businessman



Hello, Mikhail!

Bringing innovative equipment to the energy market is undoubtedly a difficult task.

First of all, this equipment needs to be created (designed, node-by-node tests on stands, bring products to design parameters, etc.), show its advantage (efficiency, resource, parameters, maintainability, etc.) compared with existing analogues.

Then it is necessary to organize its mass production, which will require an appropriate production base, means of production, qualified workers and engineering personnel.

These tasks must be solved at the state level, and it is essentially impossible to solve them without the participation of the state and its appropriate financial support. In addition, it is almost impossible to implement equipment that does not have references.


Hello, Vladimir Evgenievich. What global trends are affecting the Russian thermal power industry in the first place? Are there any areas or equipment in which we are ahead of Western energy? Are you currently cooperating with foreign scientists and developers?

Nelly Gulyaeva



Hello, Nelly!

Currently, the situation in the world has affected the thermal power industry, in my opinion, only on high-capacity power GTS. I will give you one example of equipment that is ahead of Western equipment.

In the Russian Federation in 2022, the staff of JSC NPO CKTI conducted bench studies of the model of a mixing feedwater heater (CPPV) in order to substantiate the design features and clarify the methodology of its thermohydraulic calculation.

As a result, the world's first mixing type heat exchanger was designed as part of the feed path of the steam generator of the BREST-OD-300 reactor plant.

The turbine island heat exchange equipment designed by NPO CKTI for the BREST-OD-300 pilot demonstration unit will largely serve as a prototype for promising nuclear power plants with liquid metal reactor installations such as BN-1200, BR-1200.

About cooperation with foreign scientists - unfortunately, we do not work with them, although we receive invitations to conferences regularly.


Good afternoon, Vladimir Evgenievich. How do you think the energy sector will change in the next year or in the next five years? Will there be any fundamentally new equipment? And from which side can we expect a breakthrough?

Kirill Zotov



Good afternoon, Kirill!

Due to its conservatism, energy, as an industry, will not undergo any significant changes in the next few years.

Fundamentally new equipment may be required in the implementation of projects for the creation of supercritical nuclear power units (NPP SCD), the development of small, floating nuclear power plants, or when using CO2 (CO2-EU) as a working fluid in turbine technologies.


Vladimir Evgenievich, a lot of new developments have appeared recently. The I.I. Polzunov Scientific and Production Association for Research and Design of Power Equipment is also engaged in the development of power equipment. What areas now need technical regulations and standardization?

Boris Pirogov



Hello, Boris!

In the field of energy engineering, the Technical Regulations of the European Economic Union, which are equivalent to the law and are binding today, cover all areas of activity, ensuring technogenic safety.

In the field of standardization, the most urgent task seems to be the processing of demanded standards of organizations (STO CKTI, STO NP "INVEL", STO NP "SOYUZATOMPROEKT", etc.) into GOST standards, in order to ensure transparency and mandatory compliance with requirements by subjects of energy and power engineering. This is a long process.

We are very much counting on the leading role of the state in this issue.