design and engineering pilot studies deliveries simulations process development certification testing. ICEO. pilot cogeneration plant servicing

Pump equipment development and research for fossil and nuclear power plants laboratory
Main / Main Activities > Heat Exchange and Cycle Equipment Division > Pump equipment development and research for fossil and nuclear power plants laboratory

Main activities of the laboratory:

  • development of new pump units and modernization of operating ones;
  • industrial tests of prototypes and upgraded samples of pump equipment at operating power facilities;
  • research, analysis and development of recommendations for improving reliability, technical and economic performance and increasing the competitiveness of pump equipment;
  • development of detail documentation and factory manufactures of certain types and sizes of pumping and shutoff-regulating equipment;
  • development of pump equipment and supervision of works (designer supervision) performed by power machine-building plants when mastering its production;
  • technical expertise of pump equipment performed by other organizations; development and supply of non-standard equipment (pumps and spare parts) for power units of thermal power plants, nuclear power plants and other industrial facilities;
  • R&D, testing, commissioning and supervision of works at industrial facilities of pump equipment.

The main advantage of NPO CKTI JSC is the long-term experience in production of pumps with hydroturbine drive for pumping of high-temperature media on saturation line.

The hydroturbine drive provides the following benefits:

  • optimizes the rotation speed of the unit;
  • allows significantly reducing its size and metal consumption;
  • allows simplifying the design of seals between the pump and hydraulic drive;
  • to adjust in the most rational way – by changing the speed of rotation and using guide bearings operating with the working medium of the hydraulic drive, to create sealed pump units (in such a case, external sources of oil supply for bearings and seals are excluded from the turbo pump design).

A feature of the hydroturbine drive is the utilization of energy losses in the drive due to return of working water heated in the pump which is the source of the working water and in the hydraulic turbine to the power unit cycle.

Hydroturbine driven pumps for power units of Thermal Power Plants and Nuclear Power Plants

NPO CKTI JSC was the pioneer in the power plant industry in the creation of pumps with a hydroturbine drive for power units of Thermal Power Plants and Nuclear Power Plants. High-speed electric and gas turbine driven repressuring pumps were created in cooperation with JSC Klimovand JSC Votkinsky Zavod for oil production.

General view of the assembled CPHTD pump unit 850–400 A before installation of thermal insulation

Pumps with a hydroturbine drives designed by NPO CKTI JSC have the following benefits in comparison with traditional pumps of similar parameters at equal efficiency:

  • significantly smaller dimensions;
  • are mounted on pipelines without special foundations;
  • require no auxiliary lubrication systems.
  • The CPHTD type pump 850–400 (displacement of 850 m³/h, head of 400 m) for the turbine plant K-1000-60/3000 by LMZ JSC has a weight of less than 3 tons, diameter of 780 mm, height of 1200 mm. 

    Preliminary studies of electric driven pump with similar parameters show that the weight of such unit is about 10 tons.

    Comparative overall dimensions of circulating pumps for boiler units of equal parameters

    NPO CKTI JSC develops and supplies non-standard make-to-order pumping equipment for power engineering, oil production and other industries.


    Laboratory test bed

    The test rig is sealed, operates in a closed-loop configuration and meets all the requirements of GOST 6134-2007 for parametrical test rigs. Working medium – cold water for industry.

    The test rig consists of:

    • experimental plant (allows performing parametrical tests of pump stages and drive turbine stages);
    • pressure pump (creates head during power tests of water turbine stages;
    • shuts off by a shut off valve during parametrical tests of the pump stages);
    • measurement area (for determining the flow);
    • separator tank with vacuum pump connectivity (capability to lower the pressure in the circuit up to the deep vacuum during cavitation tests);
    • shut off valves;
    • instrumentation; foundations and supports;
    • filter, water feed and drainage pipelines with appropriate valving;
    • heating element (heats the working water during cavitation tests).

    The goal of tests is to determine the power and head parameters and compare the received data with the default parameters. Obtaining the rated values of head and consumed (produced) power of the stages. Tests on a test bed and processing of measurement results are conducted according to a specially designed program and test procedure.

    Test bed layout

    1. Pressure pump

    2. Pilot plant

    3. Separator tank